USIL Ventures Consulting
What do we do?
We dynamize entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystems by articulating initiatives and actions carried out by companies, government, academia and civil society.

Open Innovation
We develop open innovation projects for companies, by diagnosing their problems and linking for their solution with startups and the research and innovation ecosystem.
Productive Development R + D + i
We provide technical support in R + D + i and the promotion of primary economic activities as a way to make the entrepreneurship process more inclusive and participatory, helping to improve the living conditions of the communities and people who are part of the beneficiary projects.

Business Strengthening
We promote the growth of companies through the definition and / or review of the business model, commercial, legal and financial strategy, improving the production processes of a product or service. This means reducing time, costs and increasing the levels of quality of services and income generation.
Know-How Transfer
As part of our entrepreneurial DNA, we have a policy of promotion and knowledge transfer of the educational incubation and acceleration model to educational institutions or private entrepreneurship units, in order to generate the expansion of the culture of entrepreneurship and innovation in Peru and Latin America.
In alliance with the Andean Development Corporation (CAF, in Spanish) …
It is the USIL Ventures know-how transfer process in topics such as incubation methodologies…
Together with the San Martín region, the Cacao Technological Innovation Center (CITE CACAO) was created…
With the help of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and CEDRO…
With the help of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and CEDRO, within the framework of the alternative crop development plan in the San Martín region…